Password Issues

CM Gilgamesh
CM Gilgamesh
  • Updated


Please note that the STEPN Whitepaper provides thorough information regarding the STEPN App's functionalities.

You may also use the "Submit Request" button at the bottom of this article to reach out to our Customer Support team for further assistance. 



🔸 STEPN is asking me for a password, but I don't remember using a Password in the past!
It's possible that you have been logging in with an email address/verification code in the past. At the STEPN Login screen, try switching from "Account Login" to "Verification Login". 


🔸 I forgot my password, how do I reset it?
You can only reset your STEPN password once you have successfully logged into STEPN. To login first, go to the STEPN Login screen and switch from "Account Login" to "Verification Login".  Send a Verification code to yourself, then use that code to log into STEPN. Once you're inside the app, you can reset your password this way:

  1. In the STEPN app, tap your profile picture at the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. In the next window, tap your account name.
  3. In the next window, tap "Password".
  4. In the next window, tap "send code" to send the verification code to your specified email address, and type in your password.


🔸 I have been using a password in the past, and I know I'm putting in the correct password, but it's saying my password is incorrect!
✅ It's possible that the password is really wrong and needs to be reset. However, you can only reset your STEPN password once you have successfully logged into STEPN. To login first, go to the STEPN Login screen and switch from "Account Login" to "Verification Login".  Send a Verification code to yourself, then use that code to log into STEPN. Once you're inside the app, you can reset your password this way:

  1. In the STEPN app, tap your profile picture at the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. In the next window, tap your account name.
  3. In the next window, tap "Password".
  4. In the next window, tap "send code" to send the verification code to your specified email address, and type in your password.


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